To Chris E's mom Penni: Thank you for being the mother that you are to Chris and me. You are responsible for bringing CHRIS COOK into this world (the greatest accomplishment of all time!!) Thank you for always putting a smile on my face! Chris and I really love you.
To my Grandmom: Wow. I love and admire you so much. You are always there for every single member of this family. I love your dried fruit, and your pickle relish. I love the quilts that you've made me, and I love having you as my grandmom.
Mom, I love you. Remember that time that me and two of my best friends were having a joint-14th birthday pool-party extravaganza? And we all wanted matching two piece swim-suites???? Well, the other moms said yes, and you wouldn't allow it. I was SO mad. Well, here it is: YOU WERE RIGHT. I was a late bloomer and had the bod of an 11 year old. 14 year old girls don't need two-piece swimming suites.... let alone 11 year old girls. The point is, you are a great mom. You were my friend when I needed a friend and my mom when I needed a mom. You have never failed me. Here are just a few things you taught me:
-not to be a picky eater (the most important trait, I believe)
-how to separate yolks from whites
-how to speed clean with "green juice" (readers: this is not a drug:))
-to ski with a V or an I shape (not an X or W)
-tirimisu isn't against the word of wisdom (Susan Hainsworth eats it)
-"If My Dog Were Green" and every other song under the sun.
-How NOT to catch or throw a ball.
-how to drive (haha)
-how to fold paper into an envelope shape
- burping at dinner parties is a no-no
The truth is, you taught me everything that is good about me.... and everything that is bad about me I picked up elsewhere. Thank you. I love you.