Friday, April 23, 2010

rain, rain, don't go away

It just rained!!!! I LOVE rain! Here in Logan rain is a precious commodity, it's usually a blizzard or blazing hot. I love the way rain makes the world smell and actually look GREEN. I am particularly thrilled because J-son and I planted our "garden" (a three by three patch near our door ) last week, and it hasn't died yet! woot woot! This rain is totally going to keep our garden from dieing even longer! :) Is it odd that I love dreary weather? It makes me want to cuddle up on the couch and watch a really depressing movie!

1 comment:

  1. Krista, I just need to say...I love you. Welcome to the blogosphere. Can't wait to hear more about your fabulous life! :) Gorgeous picture!
